What is Nutritional Therapy?

Meeting new people inevitably brings about the question of “What do you do?” - the speed at which this question comes out varies depending on the situation but the thing that rarely changes is the look of partial recognition mixed with uncertainty on peoples faces when I say “I’m a nutritional therapist”.

Some people know, because they or someone they know has had experience with it, but many people don’t. So hopefully this will help you understand what the hell it is I do and more importantly, if it can help you. 

So what is it?
You’ve probably heard of the term “you are what you eat”. Well this has never been truer than in nutritional therapy. It focuses on supporting the body, through nutrition and lifestyle changes, to regain balance, relieve symptoms and promote health. If you suffer with symptoms of digestive issues, hormone imbalances, compromised immunity, fatigue, sleep issues, stress or general ill health; nutritional therapy will look at the root cause and use food and supplements to help relieve your symptoms.

lady exercising outside

10 things to know about nutritional therapy:

  1. Nutritional Therapy is focused on promoting the best health for you. Considering your symptoms and your overall health, it takes a personalised approach to what you need.  

  2. It’s set in scientific research, using evidence based research to determine the best nutritional approach for your body and your condition. 

  3. It’s relevant for individuals looking to enhance their health or, those with chronic conditions / symptoms who are looking for some relief. Here we often collaborate with other relevant healthcare professionals.

  4. It’s recognised as a complimentary medicine. We don’t recommend it as a replacement for medical advice, so will refer any key symptoms as appropriate. 

  5. We focus on supporting the body to be in the best position to heal itself.

  6. No matter the disease/condition or its progression, taking action on your nutrition and lifestyle in the right way will help. 

  7. The body takes time to heal, whilst gains are often experienced early on in your changes, more engrained and chronic conditions will take time to rebalance.

  8. This is a longterm investment in your future health. There’s no hack or quick fix.

  9. It's an ongoing process, during which we empower you to be able to understand and recognise what’s happening in your body over time so you can start to make the decisions you need to in order to manage your own health longterm. 

  10. Hippocrates, the father of medicine, recognised the power of nutrition very early on when he said Food is the primary source of medicine, health and healing”.

Remember, disease, is the body at dis-ease, so don’t settle for treating your symptoms, start working to heal the cause.

Have more questions? Want to know how I could help you? Get in touch and book an introductory call free of charge.


“Whatever disease the body has produced, it is able to revert it”

- Dr A Vogel, Switzerland


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